We subscribe to our local Sunday newspaper for one reason. The coupons.
Some people say that taking the time to match up manufacturer coupons with local coupons and sales saves too little money to be worth while. For some that may be true. For example, maybe you and your spouse both work 60 hours a week at your six-figure jobs, then come home to take care of your three kids each night and visit your aging parents on the weekends. In that case the dollars saved probably aren’t worth your valuable time.
I’m going to share another scenario though. This is our experience with coupons:
For us, the practice of couponing is one of the activities that has allowed Becky to be a full-time mom and homemaker for our two kids and me for the past 10 years.
Each week, Becky cuts coupons from the Sunday paper and magazines or other places she finds coupons. Then she matches them up with circulars from local grocery stores. Those circulars often have store coupons and other sales. By stacking manufacturer coupons onto store coupons, she sometimes gets things for free or very nearly free. Only buying things we actually use.
This coupon clipping and matching process takes an hour or so a week. It actually saves time in the store when she goes in knowing exactly what items she is purchasing.
Becky saves $50 – $100 per week for our family of four by taking the effort to match up coupons. Not bad for an hour of work. Especially since that hour of work was at home while sitting on the couch.
This practice over the years has contributed to arriving at our forties completely debt-free.
Ben Franklin (Poor Richard) said, “The Art of getting Riches consists very much in THRIFT.” He went on to say that not all of us are equally gifted at making big bucks, but ALL of us can practice THRIFT.
In addition to coupons, we practice frugality by shopping at:
- local produce stands
- bent ‘n’ dents
- mennonite shops for meats, cheese and bread
- coupons at mall stores and office supply stores
- thrift shops
- yard sales
Do you use coupons? Why or why not?
Good blog Honey. I do believe in responsible couponing and saving on what our family needs. Although I am pretty sure our kids think I am extreme crazy lady couponing. Big smile! If there are any of you out there that want help in learning the art of coupons I would be happy to help you.
Thanks for the encouragement, crazy coupon lady. =)
Great blog. I like reading your blog when Becky shares it! I also like following Becky’s Facebook page to see deals (such as cheap photo print deals and free kid events) and to see pics of your two cuties!!! I also coupon. It is well worth the time to me. Then we can do family trips with the money saved!
Great point, Krystle! Saving money in day-to-day activities provides more money for those fun activities life family trips.